Sunday, April 23, 2017

Hey St Mary's!!

Hey SMA, i hope you're all enjoying the sunny weather :)

 I finally signed up for the AAYLC (Asian American Youth Leadership Conference) this week, and I'm so excited to go! I'm looking forward to all the new people I'm going to meet and workshops we're going to do. I'm really nervous as well, but I think it's going to be an amazing experience and I hope I'll go again next year :)

APIC (Asian and Pacific Islander Club) has been going great too! We're nearing the end of our service project, an de it has been a long road but I enjoyed every moment. Thanks to everyone in the club who participated in our diabetes prevention and awareness project, the posters look great! I can't wait to see them up around school.

SAT class has drawn to a close as well. I feel like I still have a lot of preparing to do, but the class has been so helpful. I'm going to miss spending that extra bit of time with everyone on tuesdays after school ;( good luck on the SAT everyone!

The pic above is the dress I wore to the SMA auction. I so appreciate everyone who donated and everyone who just attended, your support does not go unnoticed! It was a wonderful night and we reached well past our goal, way to go St. Mary's!! I just got back from Mary's Woods Elderly Home where I told everyone about it, and turns out one of the tenants there used to work at SMA and go to every single one. What a coincidence! Just keep swimming lady blues 💕

Monday, April 3, 2017

Happy back to school Tuesday :)

hey lady blues, welcome back to school! I hope everyone had a wonderful, stress free break. I might be moving soon, something exciting to look forward to! I finally figured out how to add photos to my posts, so there are going to be a lot more visuals from now on ;) 

This spring break was all about colleges for me. I went on an overnight trip with Serapiya, her godmother, and two sisters to the University of Oregon. We enjoyed spending time on campus of a bigger college, and we shared (or tried to share) their enthusiasm for the Oregon Ducks.

Their sports teams are increasingly successful, but I don't think Sera and I are very interested in going there. Still, it was a a wonderful experience and I learned a lot about what to look for in a good school! I know that it's important to visit all kinds of schools even if I don't want to go there, because now if I hear about a school about the same size that I'm unable to visit I have a reference school to look back on. 

Today I went to visit two more colleges, and I just got back home a few hours ago. Our wonderful SMA college counseling office provided up with a college bus tour the Monday before school starts back up again, so we all have something to talk about tomorrow. We visited OSU and Willamette, and they are both wonderful schools. I'm interested in biology/BioHealth sciences and PreMed as a Major, and OSU has wonderful programs for both of those, as well as a 75% acceptance rate into medical school after graduating. I was very sad about Willamette though, because I absolutely loved the campus and small school feel but they don't offer Premed as a Major. I still enjoyed visiting and having the opportunity to go on a tour with the student ambassadors. 

This break I also went on a more relaxing vacation with my godsister and her family to bend. 
Visiting the painted hills near bend 

We rented out a house and visited many Oregon landmarks, and I really enjoyed the break from schoolwork and college-ing. 
Wild cow-crossing on the way to a state park

Hope to see you all bright and early tomorrow morning! Have a wonderful Monday afternoon